Lego Robotics

Our students work with different model kits of Lego Education program. All teachers are trained by the Lego Center specialists and receive their certification from the Lego Headquarters in Denmark. All classes are conducted in Russian language. It helps children to expand their active and passive vocabulary and to speak on science topics with their peers and teachers. The dreams are coming true!
Lego Robotics classes are very popular and held not only during the school months but also during the summer camp program. In summer, during longer sessions, children have time not only to learn the fundamentals and master the concepts but also to be creative and design their models of various robots.
Program Details:
1st level – children 5-6 years work with Simple & Powered Machines Set and LEGO WeDo 2.0, Class is 60 min
2nd level, children 7-9 years work with Simple & Powered Machines Set and LEGO WeDo 2.0, Class is 90 min
3rd level, children 9 years + work with Simple & Powered Machines Set and LEGO Mindstorms EV3. Class is 120 min
2nd level, children 7-9 years work with Simple & Powered Machines Set and LEGO WeDo 2.0, Class is 90 min
3rd level, children 9 years + work with Simple & Powered Machines Set and LEGO Mindstorms EV3. Class is 120 min
Program Levels:
«First Step into Robotics – fundamentals of mechanics»
9686 Simple & Powered Machines Set
With LEGO Education's “Simple and Powered Machines” sets students learn about the world around them, learn the laws of physics, and other powers around them.
With LEGO Education's “Simple and Powered Machines” sets students learn about the world around them, learn the laws of physics, and other powers around them.
«Robotics 9-15 years»
LEGO Mindstorms EV3
Children are introduced to completely new Lego Education sets, which help them to:
- Continue working and advancing the precise scientific skills
- Start learning computer programming and new versions of robots
- Gain practical experience working with sensors, motors, and intellectual module EV3
- Perfect their social, creative, and communicative abilities
- Learn to work in teams
«Robotics 6-9 years»
LEGO WeDo 2.0
Working with LEGO WeDo 2.0 children learn:
- Create and program various robots
- Learn the fundamentals of physics and math
- Learn how to find alternative ways to solve a complex problem
- Learn how to work on a team and make new friendships

60 min / class $240/ 8 classes, $200 for Rossinca students
90 min class $320/ 8 classes, $240 for Rossinca students
Teachers: Yulia Khitrykh, Michael Fedosenko, Elena Supryadkina